Earn HNT

HNT is a token known as Helium which according to all reports should be going up greatly in value within the next five years. The best explanation of how this token works and why it was developed is given in a tutorial at CoinMarketCap. Although the rewards for going through the tutorial have passed the tutorial gives one of the best explanations that I have seen. To learn more about Helium (HNT) go to https://coinmarketcap.com/earn/project/helium.

iHub Global is a company which can help you earn HNT fairly quickly and you can get a free HNT miner through them.. They do keep a portion of the products to help both pay for the miner and the upkeep of the network but I really, really still consider this a fantastic deal. One of the great things about mining Helium is that it uses what is referred to as a long-fi network and unlike traditional mining of coins like Bitcoin it only costs as much to run the miner as it would cost to leave a LED lightbulb on during a month. And the device does not generate heat like Bitcoin miners do.

This is a totally cool, simple, easy, and amazing passive income opportunity. This could be the easiest passive income I’ve seen in a very long time!

Here is the information you need to get started for FREE.

Watch this 2 minute Introduction: 

Also, take a look at this 4 minute video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zokaoASu7Vk

*Reserve your spot right now.

It’s FREE TO REGISTER and the mining device is at no cost.


It’s currently a few weeks back ordered but you can reserve your FREE device right now!

You make 40% on your miner and approximately 10% on your team’s activity (if you choose to share the affiliate program).

We are GLOBAL!  Register for free here… https://cryptowithkeith.ihub.global/ihubregister