This website is all about cryptocurrency.
According to notepad cryptocurrency is defined as a digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds, operating independently of a central
Probably the best know cryptocurrency is Bitcoin. There are many other cryptocurrencies also known as altcoins in existence. Some up and coming cryptocurrenc
ies that are gaining attention are Ethereum, also known as Ether and LiteCoin. Cryptocurrency can offer an outlet for personal wealth. It goes beyond restriction and it cannot be confiscated.
Cryptocurrency is still in a way in its infancy, even though Bitcoin started in October of 2008. Bitcoin became the first decentralized cryptocurrency in 2009.
Bitcoin has been in the news recently because of it’s quick rise from barely over $1500 USD at the middle of this summer to over $4,000 by the beginning of September. Then it dropped rapidly to below $2500 but has risen again by this date to over $3500 per Bitcoin.
One of the best descriptions of how cryptocurrency works can be found at
At CryptoManor we plan to be the place that houses information about cryptocurrency and how to make money with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
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